Roadside Attraction Edition:
Welcome to a new type of blog that I will include every so often. The blog will feature Washington roadside attractions. A little bit of an introduction is I enjoy the history of old, forgotten about historic areas as some of you already know which also includes old roadside attractions. Having lived in Florida, I did some research and visited some sites that were pre-Disney since when Disney World came in, most of the small attractions couldn’t compete and shut down. Not only do attractions close due to competition but also due to progress. Having moved to Washington State, the state has constantly been growing for many years and when more people come into an area, things change quickly and often drastically. With these blogs, I’ll share the information about some attractions that have survived but sadly, there aren’t many remaining. But, there are some neat and historic places that have survived progress and I hope will continue to remain as changes threaten older and more forgotten about sites and history. Roadside attractions can include anything that provides entertainment to a traveler, tourist, or anyone at all interested including old theme parks, unique architecture, historic sites, or even old restaurants and areas that have survived the threats of time.
Hat ‘n’ Boots:
Address: 6427 Carleton Ave S, Seattle, WA 98108