Friday, April 29, 2022

Haunted Sea and Ship Movies

Well, I haven’t made a new blog in such a long time. One of the main reasons was busy – yes, like most people. Another was January of 2021, I lost one of my biggest supporters, on my birthday of all days, who also supported my writing which really took away the motivation. But as of now, my wife and I have a six week old daughter who has been keeping us busy. One thing about being a father is I’m no longer able to watch movies as I used to, which I loved to do. When I am able to on the rare occasion, it’s a struggle trying to find a movie to watch. Years, decades ago there were so few options. Either one of twelve television channels, or renting a VCR at the local rental store, but today there are almost too many options. How much time did we used to waste clicking through channels on the television but now, clicking through the numerous apps that flood our streaming devices only to start a movie and minutes later, realize the bad acting and whatnot so it’s back to square one. I love horror movies and so many are just so bad but others look good. One type of horror movie I enjoy are stories of the haunted sea or ships. I do enjoy haunted house, asylum, etc., movies but for some reason, there is something about haunted boats, the Bermuda Triangle, and so forth that interest me. I think because I get seasick easily and do not really go on boats or on the sea. I’ve been to numerous “haunted” houses and locations but never been on a “haunted” ship which could, I guess, make me intrigued to watch movies based on that since my imagination is new to the idea. One of my favorite movies in this genre is “Triangle”, but does anyone have any other film recommendations to watch?

Talking about movies sets me up for my next blog... screenplays.