It’s funny how a song can change your perspective on life but in more particular, a music video. Music videos firstly aren’t what they used to be and to be honest, I don’t even know if they still make music videos since MTV has been dead for twenty plus years. I’m sure there are though. I’ve been a fan of Johnny Cash for a long time but hadn’t seen his music video for “Hurt” until recently. With people close to me passing away and seeing their possessions and property being gone through, divvied up and donated or thrown away, it reminds me we can’t take our stuff with us when we pass away. What we have now should be enjoyment and memories and I’ve realized I have too many possessions. I remember watching Johnny Cash in his video for “Hurt” and seeing his trophies on the shelves. Cash knew at this time he didn’t have much time left and seeing all the trophies, his closest possessions, sitting there collecting dust meant nothing to him when he passed away.
have collected so much through my life which includes a lot of antiques. I’ve
always enjoyed getting antiques and fixing the forgotten items up but then,
afterward, all they do is sit there on shelves and like Cash’s trophies, collect
dust. I’ve recently gone through so many things and sold some and have some
sitting on the workbench in the garage to sell. I’d rather create enjoyment for
my wife and especially now my daughter, and not only declutter the house, but
focus less on the materialistic parts of life. It’s time to downsize to make
room for memories and enjoyment.
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